Spitalfields City Farm

Spitalfields City Farm is the nearest city farm to the City of London’s square mile, located in one of the most densely populated wards of Tower Hamlets.

It works with a vibrant and multi-cultural community to provide educational opportunities for children and adults alike, to empower people to gain new skills and confidence, and to combat social isolation.

The new strategy is the culmination of a period of consultation with staff, volunteers and trustees during 2021, which aims to create a shared vision of how the city farm can better serve the local community, visitors and other stakeholders.

The farm was started in 1978 in response to local people’s wishes to convert wasteland into allotments. It quickly gained momentum and status, attracting local borough funding and employing staff. In 1980, it gained charitable status and has since developed into a project providing activities and opportunities to the local community and visiting groups. It is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee, managed by a voluntary management committee and spread over 1.3 acres of land owned by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets and Railtrack.
